Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Last day of summer...

Max starts school tomarrow and he couldn't be more excited!! As I type this he's still up, can't sleep, with butterflies in his tummy lol! Awe, I remember those days!! Sigh...

So today was the official "Last Day of Summer"...dun, dun, dun...we should have had a celebration now that I think about it. Some kind of a party to mark the transition from hot, lazy summer days to the WORK,WORK,WORK of the school year. Oh well...So what did we do instead you ask? I made them work for me of course LOL! I toted them around w/ me while I took their pictures! "Guys, mom wants some good pics this time k!"..."I'll give you candy!!!!" Hahahaha, that got their attention!! Everytime they were giving me attitude and gruff about wanting them to pose I just reminded them what was at stake...and it worked!! YESsssssss!!!!! We ended up in Corvallis by the river and then I drove all the way to Silverton because it's just about THE cutest little town I've EVER seen!!! But by the time we got there my kids were just about done w/ me and my camera so I only snapped a few! They'll get used to it some day, right???

And they did get their candy lol!!!


  1. Just a side note...today I was playing w/ my manual setting...that's why some of them are kind of dark. Anyways, that's all lol!!
    Ta ta
    xo Kash

  2. I love all the pictures. The first one at the top of the page is the best. <3

  3. AHHH!!! I LOVE them!!! Especially the ones by that GORGEOUS door! SO good!!!!

  4. They are all sooo GOOD!! My fave is the one where they are all sitting on the step in that doorway. So cute!

  5. they don't get used to it... it only gets worse! mine start to run the moment I get the camera out. keep bribing those cuties of yours!
