Saturday, August 29, 2009

Summertime's winding down

The weather here has gotten cooler and the tree across the street is turning golden already...before we know it the leaves will be gone and fall will be in full swing! And I CANNOT wait!!! I adore fall...I love the crispy air of indian summers and the chilly, clear nights when I can bundle up in a blanket w/ a cup of tea or cocoa but still be outside, under the stars. I LOVE Halloween and Thanksgiving and pretty much all things fall. I love how my desire to nest kicks into overdrive and I'm overwhelmed w/ the need to make our house warm and cozy. I get baking bugs where I make scrumptious cakes. I resume the cooking duties that my husband took over for the summertime. Pot afer pot of chilie and any other kind of yummy soup I can make up. I can't fairly say, though, that the fall time is my favorite...because I get equally excited around the 4th of July when the fields around me are all golden, right before they all start to get harvested. I love the summer for it's bright blue skies and bbq's w/ friends and family. Then there's spring time. Wonderful, refreshing springtime. I relish in my tulips and iris's in springtime and the soft pink blossoms on the tree in the front yard. The rain always smells fresher and the first warmth after the dark, cold winter days always leaves me wanting to break out the shorts and summer dresses (even though I know it's too soon lol)
But back to fall...I'm in love w/ fall. Back-to-school preperations are under way in our house. Max, this year, is quite certain he's going to be a professional skateboarder when he grows up!! It's pretty cute to see him going on the board! So keeping with his new found hobby, he wanted some skateboard shoes. I have heard about nothing else but DC shoes...ok so DC shoes it is! We found them yesterday in his size and it was exciting I must say. The look on his face was priceless! And Josiah...Mr. Si guy, wanted rhinos lol! Luckily they had Ecko's in his size, or it would have been heartbreaking to tell him he couldn't have the rhino shoes he's been talking about for no less than a month...but huge sigh of relief, they had them!!!! We were golden!!! Of course Miss Lulu needed a new pair too...but she's easy, anything pink and were good to go lol!!!
School starts in less than a week and Max is very excited to be back with his friends! And I feel alot more relaxed about sending him to school's better here for us for now...And I'm enjoying the seasons like I've always known them...and I'm happy!!!


  1. Ohhh Fall IS almost here...yay! I love when the long hot days turn into short crisp ones and you can finally feel cozy wearing your favorite sweatshirt again! Here's to the comfy nights cozied up in a blanket, hot chocolate, and everything pumpkin. :) I look forward to seeing all your fall pictures!

  2. Thanks Jill!! The same goes for you when you finally get to replace your stolen camera!! :)
