Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What to do when insomnia strikes...start up a blog!!

I'm sleepy but can't bring myself to crawl into my empty bed and doze off all by myself. (Hubby's only coming home on weekends for now which leaves me fending for myself these days...and nights) So I try and fill my delirium with whatever I can come up w/... and I'm OBSESSED w/ my still very new camera...aka, my 4th child lol...and I find myself on photography sites and looking at others photos and dreaming of the day when I'm "that good". My VERY, super duper good friend just up graded her camera today as well and had an idea to do a photo blog every here I am, minus the photo for now while I still try and figure this whole thing out lol!
The kids are sleeping and I just became an "official" blogger, things are right w/ the world...for now LOL :)
Nighty night...

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