Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cell phones and attitudes and growing up oh my!

Max will be 9...ya 9 not 19 or 15 or double digits even! Nine years old and he wants a cell phone, thinks he MUST have one...WHY??? I'm TOTALLY at a loss here as to why he needs to be worried by this right now. He isn't without us very often at all, which is the only reason I see for a child to have a cell phone. So the answer is no...for now and probably the next 3 years at least. Does that make me unreasonable? Maybe but I don't really think so. But lately everything I do as a mother is SO very unacceptable in his eyes. "Seriously mom, I have to do my homework?"...stomp, stomp, stomp, "I HATE homework!!!" And I have to endure day after day of this attitude about everything form homework to cleaning up his bedroom to their bedtime...and I exhaust myself explaining the life lessons that come form these tasks on a DAILY basis...oh the joys! It will pay off though right? RIGHT?!?!?! I know I have fabulous children...like more so than normal kids. They are kind and polite and thoughtfull of others...well everyone but me! Such is the life of a mother I think. We're the ones who have to enforce all these blah rules and regulations in their lives...but I cling to the hope that one day (sooner than later) the light bulb will go off in their heads and they will STOP challenging everything I say or do...Please God, please let this be the case!!!

1 comment:

  1. Aww sweety that is rough but I think back and I did the same thing to my mom when I was younger!!! It will get better just like it did for all of us!!! He is just testing your boundaries! Stay strong you are a great mother!!!!
